by Jeesh Daram
با با ما اصلاً غلط کردیم که سرما خوردیم و مریض شدیم، دست از سر کچل ما بردارید.
اگر نگوئیم چه مرگمان است که سؤال پیچت میکنند: "صدات گرفته، خدا بد نده، بلا دوره؟" و از این قبیل، تا اینکه مٌقر بیای و لنگ را بندازی. بعد که گفتی چته آنوقت طبابت بند تنبانی حضرات شروع میشه:
"چیزی نیست حتماً چائیدی، دو سه تا ژاکت پشمی بپوش برو زیر پتو تا عرق کنی و تبت ببره!" حالا بماند که توی این هوا خر تب میکند و تخم مرغ روی اسفالت پیاده رو نیمرو میشود ولی بهرحال ما قول میدهیم و میگوئیم بروی چشم.
آن یکی میگوید: "آره خیلی سرما خوردگی زیاد شده و توی اداره ما هم بسیاری مریضند، ولی راه پیشگیری اینه که روزی یک زرده تخم مرغ ناشتا بندازی بالا." اگراشتباه نکنم و حافظه ام یاری دهد، آخرین بار که بنده اقدام به "بالا انداختن" زرده تخم مرغ کردم، بعد از شهریور بیست بود که از اتفاق بد روزگارو جّوسیاسی حاکم و عدم تمرکزفکری و احساس خود کم بینی، افتاد روی ریشمان و بعد روی زیپ شلوارمان وسرتان را درد نیاورم چه آبرو ریزی شد در وزارت امور خارجه و درحضور سفیر سوئیس و فقط مجسم کنید بنده را، با یک دست روی ریش و دست دیگر روی زیپ شلوار و نگاه سرزنش بار وزیر امور خارجه، که دیگر ما از همان موقع خوش خوری را ترک کردیم و پرونده اش را بستیم و گذاشتیم کنار.
دیگری تجویز میکند که دوسه تا دانه سیر تازه را خرد کرده و با یک لیوان شیر داغ مخلوط نموده و آنرا یک نفس بنوش، آن هم سه بار در روز! میگویم "بابا اگر یک سکس برزیلی هم بود سه بار در روزش را نمیتوانستم تضمین کنم چه رسد به مخلوطی از شیرو سیر! این چه معجونی است؟ حتی تنقیه آن هم غیر قابل قبول و تصور است!"
باری با همین افکار میرویم توی رختخواب و میدانید که مریضی هم خودش یک حال عرفانی دارد و آدم را به اندیشیدن وامیدارد و احساسات هپلی هپو.
در عالم هپروت بودم که شبکه خبری سی-ان-ان اعلام کرد و نشان داد که ایران مجدداً چند تا از آن موشکهای دونبش را هوا کرده و یک دسته خر به این گنده گی از زمین بلند میشه و مثل علی ورجه دور خودش میچرخه و چه بسا صد متر آنطرف تر تلپی میافته روی زمین و بادش در میره! اونا که بقیه ویدیورو نشون نمیدن که آخه این موشک آخرش کجا میافته و ما باید هی مجسم کنیم که این موشک حالا حالا ها داره میره، خوب همین هم خودش یک تفریحی است ودر افکارمان از روی لرستان پرواز میکنیم، سفری هم از بالا روی نجف اشرف میکنیم وزیارت اهل قبور و بطرف اسرائیل میرویم وسواحل مدیترانه را مفتی میبینیم، تا حدودی هم مسکن و خواب آورست و حالا اگر عَرَق نکنیم و تبمان نبرد، لااقل عِرق ملی مان بجریان میافتد و کم کم بخواب شیرینی فرو میرویم.
مسئله اینست که حالا تا دیدند یکی دوروز قیمت نفت بشکه ای چند دلار پائین اومد آشیخ ها لات بازی را شروع کردند و با دستور سفیر انگلیس (ع) باز چند تا از اون ویدیوهای قدیم ساخت چین را بخورد مردم دنیا دادند و صدام وار جهان را تهدید کردند که "هرکی بما بگه بالا چشممون ابروست، خشتکشو روی سرش گره میزنیم و با آل علی هرکه درافتاد ور افتاد." آنوقت بازشما لوس آنجلس نشینان در دهر مانده گان بنشینید و بگوئید شاه خوب بود!
هربار هم این ویدیو ها را پخش میکنند چند تا دایره متحدالمرکز را نشان میدهند که شعاع برد اکثراین موشکها از جمله "فاتح و زلزال" درون مرزهای ایران ختم میشود و فقط یکی از آنها با مرز اسرائیل لاس خشکه میزند. حالا سئوال بنده اینستکه آخه جاکش تو که موشک را ساختی مگه هدف اولیه ات زدن گلاب درّه و اوین درکه بود؟ یا میخواستی باغ فردوس را بزنی؟ خوب از اوّل باروت و زرنیخ بیشتر میریختی بلکه قدری آنطرفتر هم میرفت که لااقل زن و بچه مردم در امان باشند. ملت بد بخت بعد از یک هفته کار و زحمت آمده اند تجریش دوتا سیخ کوبیده با ریحان بخورند و دولت با در کردن موشک نهار را کوفتشان میکند و دود و کثافت و غبار گوگرد و زرنیخ وباروت همه جا را آلوده میکند و روی ظرف ماست و موسیر مردم زحمتکش فرود میاید و اسمش را هم میگذارند "آزمایش موشکی" و آنوقت دولت با غرور اعلام میکند که بله، بعدیش (یعنی همان شهاب-3 ) اسرائیل را با خاک یکسان خواهد کرد.
آخه مگر آزار کون درد دارید هی دروغ میگوئید؟ حالا مارو خر کردید و چهارترکه سوار شدید دلیل نشد که بقیه مردم دنیا هم به ساده گی ما هستند. هی شاخ و شانه بکشید و هل من مبارز بطلبید تا بیایند بزنند کونتان را پاره کنند و آنوقت دوباره عزاداری راه بیاندازید و بگوئید ما ملت مستضعف فلانیم و بیساریم! خوب بابا جون شما هم مثل بقیه این نفت را بگذارید ببرند، مال باباتون که نیست. بجاش اینهمه کالا ی پلاستیکی و انواع ویدیو از چین میاد و سر مردم گرمه و هرکی بخواهد عرقش را میخورد، تریاکش را میکشد، صیغه کوتاه یا دراز مد ّت میکند، بانکها هم هجده درصد بهره میدهند و توی دنیا هم پیچیده که کباب شاندیز یک متر طولش است، کارتان را بکنید و بیخود نشئه پرونی نکنید و قول میدم آب از آب هم تکان نخواهد خورد.
آنوقت فردا هم نیائید و بگوئید "تو که میدونستی چرا نگفتی؟"
خلاصه اينكه ديگه تك تك كشتن حال نميده
soopoor (not verified)Sun Jul 13, 2008 08:58 AM PDT
من كه شما رو نمى شناسم اما واقعا جالب مى نويسيد .به هر حال از آشنايى با شما و نوشته هاى شما خوش حال هستم..به نظرِ من اين ها خودشان در جاهاى امن تشريف دارن...حتى خيلى ها در همان آمريكا يه جنايتكار خانه دارند و تنها كارى كه ميكنند به راه انداختن ِ مراسم ِ مذهبى و نشستن پشت ِ كامپيوتر ها و جنگ با دشمنان ِ دين از امن ترين راه يعنى كمنت ِ ضدِ اين و آن هست....اين ها به موقع اش به زن و فرزند هاى خود مى پيوندند و عزا دارى مالِ مردم ِ بيچاره است و بس.تنها هدف اى كه از براه انداختن ِ جنگ دارن اين است كه زندان ها ديگه ظرفيت نداره و اعدام ها هم داره درد ِ سر ميشه براشون (حقوق ِ بشر و اينجور چيزا)،خودشان هم كه نميتونن بى دليل به مردم موشك بزنند (هنوز قدرى آبرو احتياج دارن واسه گرفتن ِ ويزا )پس مى خوان يه كارى كنن كه با جنگ ايندفعه ديگه از دست مردم ِ ايران راحت بشن...خلاصه درد ِ... شان بى دليل نيست...

Bah Bah Cheh Ajab!
by Hamfekr (not verified) on Fri Jul 11, 2008 08:52 AM PDTWelcome back
Some of us thought you were sent to an exile.
This site's administrators, in my opinion, should recognize the fact that a good portion of readers/visitors consider "the Pahlavis" and "the mullas" equally responsible for the miseries of our beloved nation.
Having a contributor who can see and write in a balanced manner, in our Iranian standard, is nothing short of a blessing; if not a miracle.
Some of us thought you were sent to an exile.
This site's administrators, in my opinion, should recognize the fact that a good portion of readers/visitors consider "the Pahlavis" and "the mullas" equally responsible for the miseries of our beloved nation.
Having a contributor who can see and write in a balanced manner, in our Iranian standard, is nothing short of a blessing; if not a miracle.

I could care less if they are using plastic guns!
by Anonym7 (not verified) on Fri Jul 11, 2008 06:08 AM PDTDespite my many disagreements with IRI I appreciate that so far it has prevented these guys from turning Iran into another demolished country like Iraq.
I could care less if they are using plastic guns! So far Black water mercenaries have not come to Iran for their live target practice. Six days, six weeks, or at most six months adventure of Rumsfeld has turned into years of nightmare and his ***** is pAreh poreh, ....
I wish IRI CONTINUED success in keeping these guys out.
I could care less if they are using plastic guns! So far Black water mercenaries have not come to Iran for their live target practice. Six days, six weeks, or at most six months adventure of Rumsfeld has turned into years of nightmare and his ***** is pAreh poreh, ....
I wish IRI CONTINUED success in keeping these guys out.

how sharp the eyes when not considering 9/11!
by observer (not verified) on Fri Jul 11, 2008 03:24 AM PDTwatched it pesaram.
the paper of "record" -- hope no one is paying for this garbage on a daily basis! so where were the sharp eyes of this rag on 9/11? what garbage passes as free press all around this planet. they think we are fools.
the paper of "record" -- hope no one is paying for this garbage on a daily basis! so where were the sharp eyes of this rag on 9/11? what garbage passes as free press all around this planet. they think we are fools.

watch this baba
by yekironi on Fri Jul 11, 2008 01:01 AM PDT
someone eles's ... is pAreh already!
by Anonym7 (not verified) on Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:08 PM PDTMr. ShAshor, check this link
you realize that someone else's ... is already pAreh poreh!
you realize that someone else's ... is already pAreh poreh!

Demonstration of the truth of the fundamental premise of elites
by Joubin Houshyar (not verified) on Thu Jul 10, 2008 08:18 PM PDTSalaam,
آخه مگر آزار کون درد دارید هی دروغ میگوئید؟ حالا مارو خر کردید و چهارترکه سوار شدید دلیل نشد که بقیه مردم دنیا هم به ساده گی ما هستند.
Aren't they? Then explain this (in light of above reality):
What we are witnessing is a well orchestrated song and dance. Arbaabeh hamashoon yekiyeh.
/& Salaam
آخه مگر آزار کون درد دارید هی دروغ میگوئید؟ حالا مارو خر کردید و چهارترکه سوار شدید دلیل نشد که بقیه مردم دنیا هم به ساده گی ما هستند.
Aren't they? Then explain this (in light of above reality):
What we are witnessing is a well orchestrated song and dance. Arbaabeh hamashoon yekiyeh.
/& Salaam

Re: Piece of art (to: JJ)
by ./. (not verified) on Thu Jul 10, 2008 05:46 PM PDTI am sorry JJ. For some reason, I had assumed you are smarter than that. By your logic, just because you don't know me and the title of my news postings or content have "vulgarities" they should be deleted!! However, that same rule does not apply to someone that YOU KNOW. Wow!! Where did you go to school JJ? You are lucky you did not have me as a teacher!
In fact according to a few who were following my draft, the titles of my news posts were "eye-opening", new style, interesting, and full of meaning, but may be against JJ's ideology!. Of course you own the site and it is you who decides. Why then you criticize our mollahs for doing the exact same thing as you in their dealings with iranian news media and those journalists? Isn't this hypocracy?
In fact according to a few who were following my draft, the titles of my news posts were "eye-opening", new style, interesting, and full of meaning, but may be against JJ's ideology!. Of course you own the site and it is you who decides. Why then you criticize our mollahs for doing the exact same thing as you in their dealings with iranian news media and those journalists? Isn't this hypocracy?

Koojaa Boodi Daadaash!!
by ebi amirhosseini on Thu Jul 10, 2008 05:27 PM PDT Missed your brilliant satirical masterpieces!.This time before you take off & go to "Mavaal" & get rid of your "Pish aab",please let us know !!so we purchase some " Somaagh " to " SUCK ",while we mourn your absence!.
Best Wishes
Best Wishes

Briefly: Humor:
by varjavand on Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:50 AM PDT Briefly:
Humor: Fair
Choice of (some) words: Inappropriate
Shot: Cheap!

Ay gofti!
by Mehdi on Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:36 AM PDTWhy does this regime have a death wish? Isn't that ironic?

by Nazy Kaviani on Thu Jul 10, 2008 08:50 AM PDTWelcome back! What took you so long?! It's good to have you and your brand of sharp and intelligent humor around here again. Please stay!
P.S. Jesaratan, your text had a few spelling errors in it. I'm sure if you ask JJ, he can arrange for some minor proof-reading prior to publication of your Farsi articles.
P.S. Jesaratan, your text had a few spelling errors in it. I'm sure if you ask JJ, he can arrange for some minor proof-reading prior to publication of your Farsi articles.

Piece of art
by Jahanshah Javid on Thu Jul 10, 2008 08:41 AM PDTOstaad ./.
Jeesh Daram is an artist. He does not use curse words randomly in anger and hate.
Vulgarity is a problem in the comments section because it does not encourage intelligent discussion but rather more vulgarity and abuse.
(LOVE your name by the way)
Jeesh Daram is an artist. He does not use curse words randomly in anger and hate.
Vulgarity is a problem in the comments section because it does not encourage intelligent discussion but rather more vulgarity and abuse.
(LOVE your name by the way)

Re: Brilliant (to: JJ)
by ./. (not verified) on Thu Jul 10, 2008 08:09 AM PDTJJ,
You have closed accounts that may have so slightly "violated" the etiquette language that is expected by readers on this site. I am surprised that not only you are not "pissed off" by the language of this article, you even praise it!!! Can it be that it is not the etiquett of language of writing, but the "content" of the artciles that plays a reason for "censorship" for you?
You can tell us, it is OK, we will keep your secrets. After all you are mong friends!
You have closed accounts that may have so slightly "violated" the etiquette language that is expected by readers on this site. I am surprised that not only you are not "pissed off" by the language of this article, you even praise it!!! Can it be that it is not the etiquett of language of writing, but the "content" of the artciles that plays a reason for "censorship" for you?
You can tell us, it is OK, we will keep your secrets. After all you are mong friends!

Loved it
by Abarmard on Thu Jul 10, 2008 08:04 AM PDTGreat work. Absolutely brilliant. Thanks

اکثراین موشکها از جمله "فاتح و زلزال"
Luciferous (not verified)Thu Jul 10, 2008 07:19 AM PDT
اکثراین موشکها از جمله "فاتح و زلزال"
Conquerrer and shaker. I would prefere for the latter the translation Trambler. Bushy bushy has forbiden the Islamic republic of Iran to tests further rakets, condolenz has critisized Iran because the tests. the 7ty millionfanatic akhunds continue the tests. Apparently the days as american imperialism decided about the desteny of the honorable iranian nation are over. The last command came for his majesty the most last Perserkaiser on january 15th 1978. It came from carter a peanuts merchant who was in that time the president of the united states. on january 16th left his majesty home for egypt where a man named sadat took him away all what he had brought with him in 4 airplanes. Nowadays seems none Iranian beeing willing to leave home although since 30 years strange creatures are standing arround barking and grunting. Iranians must go away. Greeting
Conquerrer and shaker. I would prefere for the latter the translation Trambler. Bushy bushy has forbiden the Islamic republic of Iran to tests further rakets, condolenz has critisized Iran because the tests. the 7ty millionfanatic akhunds continue the tests. Apparently the days as american imperialism decided about the desteny of the honorable iranian nation are over. The last command came for his majesty the most last Perserkaiser on january 15th 1978. It came from carter a peanuts merchant who was in that time the president of the united states. on january 16th left his majesty home for egypt where a man named sadat took him away all what he had brought with him in 4 airplanes. Nowadays seems none Iranian beeing willing to leave home although since 30 years strange creatures are standing arround barking and grunting. Iranians must go away. Greeting
No need to say me too, like all those other readers here, love your satires and how much I'm happy to see you here again.
These pages have became a little boring since a while and there's not much interesting article as before.
Hope you are back to stay longer this time. Keep posting your funny yet meaningful article, please. We all welcome you and like to read more of your opinions.
Little remark : I believe (with my little savad in Persian) that the word "Aza dari" might be written with a "ze" and not with "zal" in Persian.
However, that dose not change anything in the meaning of your TANZ article. Although I better shut up, with the amount of mistakes I do myself, in English !
Thank you dear friend...
These pages have became a little boring since a while and there's not much interesting article as before.
Hope you are back to stay longer this time. Keep posting your funny yet meaningful article, please. We all welcome you and like to read more of your opinions.
Little remark : I believe (with my little savad in Persian) that the word "Aza dari" might be written with a "ze" and not with "zal" in Persian.
However, that dose not change anything in the meaning of your TANZ article. Although I better shut up, with the amount of mistakes I do myself, in English !
Thank you dear friend...

My hat off for you :)
by Cameron Batmanghlich (not verified) on Thu Jul 10, 2008 03:40 AM PDTStill laughing ... and so much truth!
My hat off!
Look forward to your next one.
My hat off!
Look forward to your next one.

hay khondam o didam doostan
by kofri (not verified) on Thu Jul 10, 2008 03:15 AM PDThay khondam o didam doostan khoshhal az bargasht shoma hastan man sharmandeh keh aslan shoma ro nemishnasam ke be ja beeyaram! But the title and your name was funny enough for me to keep reading!I just loved it! mare khar shenidy? ina hamoonan.
on another subject: to farsi dareem keh migeem anam gereft to express ama do we have jeesh daram for a certain expression?
on another subject: to farsi dareem keh migeem anam gereft to express ama do we have jeesh daram for a certain expression?

Jeeshi Joon: zad ziyad
by Salar (not verified) on Thu Jul 10, 2008 02:26 AM PDTOzaeh nazam velayat o esmat petaleh badjoor, you know what I am saying? The great conductor/agent Dr Yazdi himself has come out for negotiation and saving nezam’s behind. That is some serious stuff when Rafsanjani’s lobby is working overtime. Have you seen that movie unusual suspect, when the main guy comes out of the shadow to clean his own s**t up? it means end of petal situation for nezam when THE guy (Yazdi) is out for some cleaning. In to bemiri az on tobemiriyah nist jeeshi joon, even safir engeles (ayn) or his master (saat) nemitooneh ghaziyaroo mastmalizasion koneh. Just enjoy the movie as the story unfolds.

Iranian satire (Tanz) is simply one of the best...
by Internets on Thu Jul 10, 2008 01:39 AM PDT Gosh darn it!. The Persian language is so rich with words that someone like Jeesh Daram with his mastery of Iranian satire, can write superbly fluid pieces such as this one, which is trademark traditional Iranian satire.
Alas, I have been away from Iran for so long that I have all but (almost) forgotten how to read Farsi with any degree of fluidity!. In other words: Farsi Neveshtan Va Khaandanam, khaili Nam Keshideh :(
Alas, I have been away from Iran for so long that I have all but (almost) forgotten how to read Farsi with any degree of fluidity!. In other words: Farsi Neveshtan Va Khaandanam, khaili Nam Keshideh :(

I have reallly missed you!
by Miss Marple- but @ 31 (not verified) on Thu Jul 10, 2008 01:10 AM PDTI have reallly missed you!
Don't disappear again... please!
Don't disappear again... please!

ey val be valat vali be
by Mehranoo (not verified) on Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:04 AM PDTey val be valat vali be voolet
zanboore yedafe nazane be doolet
zanboore yedafe nazane be doolet

Very amusing article and
by ThePope on Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:44 PM PDTtotally true. That's exaclty what the regime wants, more martyrs to keep the society occupied with mourning and in a state of sorrow to have sovereign power for another decade or so...
Overall, very nicely said & lol too.
Overall, very nicely said & lol too.

This is too funny
by Mehran-001 (not verified) on Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:05 PM PDT I can't stop laughing. This really made up my day.

by Jahanshah Javid on Wed Jul 09, 2008 09:59 PM PDTI just love it, love it. I can't get enough. I had never heard this before: Safire Engelees (Ayn) :o))) goddamn brilliant!
But besides all that, I agree with you. There's no need to escalate things. The Iranian regime certainly deserves lampooning.
I just hope writers in the U.S. and Israel will do the same against their own hardliners for their part in this crisis.
But besides all that, I agree with you. There's no need to escalate things. The Iranian regime certainly deserves lampooning.
I just hope writers in the U.S. and Israel will do the same against their own hardliners for their part in this crisis.

As good as ever
by Mazloom on Wed Jul 09, 2008 08:51 PM PDTGreat job, thanks for coming back.

Welcome back,
by Mazloom on Wed Jul 09, 2008 08:30 PM PDTI have been looking for you all over the place, where have been? I have not read your article yet, but I wanted to tell you how much I have missed you and get that out of the way first.

Welcome back my friend!
by Majid on Wed Jul 09, 2008 07:59 PM PDT So glad to see you back !
Your satire was definitely missed here "by ME at the very least".
This is yet another fine piece to read...LOL
I will copy and send this to some friends "with your permission of course".
Thank you.
Your satire was definitely missed here "by ME at the very least".
This is yet another fine piece to read...LOL
I will copy and send this to some friends "with your permission of course".
Thank you.
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